
我重灌Win 最少....有50次了......(3台NB 當實驗品)


Windows 7 Loader reboot

此時放入Windows 7的安裝片

風箏 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

find XXXX -name "*" -ls 


find XXXX -name "*" -delete


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Michael Lo 於 17 hours 之前發表


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Ctrl+Up Scroll up one line keeping cursor in view
Ctrl+Down Scroll down one line keeping cursor in view
F4 Toggle focus between active file and Tree View if shown
Alt+Right Position cursor at first not space character of next paragraph
Alt+Left Position cursor at first not space character of current paragraph (if positioned mid-paragraph) or previous paragraph
Alt+Page Up Position cursor beginning of first line in of the display
Alt+Page Down Position cursor beginning of last line in of the display
Alt+'-' *NM Position line with cursor at top of window
Alt+'+' *NM Position line with cursor at bottom of window
Alt+"*" *NM Position line with cursor at center of window
Ctrl+'1' *NM Position the cursor at the end of the previous word
Ctrl+'2' *NM Position the cursor at the end of the next word
Ctrl+F6 Make the next document window active
Ctrl+Shift+F6 Make the previous document window active
*NM : Will Only work on the numeric keypad.


Select/Delete/Insert Shortcuts
Ctrl+Left+Shift (or Right) Selects the word preceding (or following) the cursor
Ctrl+Backspace Delete the word preceding the cursor
Ctrl+Delete Delete the word following the cursor
Ctrl+I Insert a literal character at the cursor position
INS Toggle between Insert and Overstrike mode


Hex Mode Shortcuts
Ctrl+H Toggle HEX editing mode
Ctrl+D Insert or delete characters in HEX editing mode


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How to understand the Online Judge answers

Postby enjolras » Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:24 am

How to understand the Online Judge answers

風箏 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

喊了這麼多年說想玩ACM ,今天終於開始了,希望最少可以一週一題(夠懶吧),不然最少3天一題試看看囉!!

首先第一題,最簡單的100 ,但真不知自己為什麼那麼笨.......SUBMISSIONS 了快50次,才發現不是程式的問題......找了好久...所以....我要加強呀



########### method 1 ###########

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風箏 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int input = 0;

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「指定運算子」(Assignment operator),到目前為止我們只看過一個指定運算子,也就是=這個運算子,事實上指定運算子還有以下的幾個:

運算子 例子 說明
+= a+= b  a= a + b
-= a-= b a= a - b
*= a*= b a= a * b
/= a/= b a= a / b
%= a%= b a= a % b
&= a&= b a= a & b
|= a|= b a= a | b
^= a^= b a= a ^ b
<<= a<<= b a= a << b
>>= a>>= b a= a >> b


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